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GEMA Protest at Kulturbrauerei Berlin

The 1 Reason I Don’t Miss Berlin – GEMA

GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs) is the music artists representative group in Germany and the iron fist with which it rules the music industry is the only thing I don’t miss about Berlin. Anyone who has spent any time in Germany will have experienced the frustration of trying to watch a video on YouTube only […]


GEMA Protest at the Kulturbrauerei

As the Mädels With A Microphone know Berliners love a good protest.  If it’s not Cuts to Solar Power subsidies, it’s increases in music performance fees. This evening at the Kulturbrauerei in Berlin a crowd gathered to protest against changes to GEMA (the music artists representative group in Germany) fees.  Anyone who has tried to […]