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Bottles of BIER, produced by a Berlin Brewery with a no advertising policyOn my travels today I stumbled across a beer called BIER in a supermarket near Treptower Park.  I read about this relatively new Berlin beer on Slow Travel Berlin the other day and was keen to try some.   The non-brand was started by two Berliners who describe the concept on their website as a reaction to ‘the visual pollution of the people of the urban living environment’.

They describe the difficulty of marketing to an over-stimulated consumer.  And state that they have chosen not to create even more publicity, the solution of most marketing professionals they suggest, but to ‘do without all the glitter and gold and gilt-edged promises and concentrate on the essential, the content’.

Of course, what they are doing is creating their own kind of publicity, slow-burning but effective, in the mould of Banksy’s secret identity – create a story rather than an advert.  Let others advertise for you.

I wanted to try it because it is called BIER.  Simple, straightforward and what I like drinking.

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  1. Berlin Burger International (BBI) - andBerlin - 4 December, 2015

    […] ordered a Chilli Cheesburger and Pommes (chips), grabbed a Bier from the fridge and sat down at a stool near the grill to wait for my […]

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